Opinion: Page 4

The latest opinion pieces by industry thought leaders

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  • In the battle for America's grocery market, there's one clear winner

    Amazon's inroads into the grocery space may not be enough to dethrone Wal-Mart, which will benefit from its network of nearly 4,700 U.S. stores in the years ahead, writes GYK Antler's Andrew Hemingway.

    Andrew Hemingway • May 18, 2017
  • 3 ways to compete with Amazon's CPG subscriptions

    The e-tailer giant may be leading in the space by now, but OceanX CEO Georg Richter sees opportunities for smaller companies to make inroads through the right business plan.

    Georg Richter • May 15, 2017
  • Image attribution tooltip
    Image attribution tooltip

    How emerging brands can achieve their goals: Start at the end

    How should a brand grow? Elliot Begoun of The Intertwine Group writes that it depends on the end goals.

    Elliot Begoun • March 9, 2017
  • The battle: Getting on the shelf. The war: Getting in the cart

    While wider grocery distribution is exciting, Elliot Begoun of The Intertwine Group writes that the real challenge is getting shoppers to purchase products.

    Elliot Begoun • Jan. 24, 2017
  • How food companies can use meal customization to their benefit

    Sean McBride of DSM Strategic Communications LLC writes that giving consumers options to make convenient and healthy meals will drive both growth and loyalty.

    Sean McBride • Dec. 7, 2016